Tapetum Lucidum
Bartholomy's latest book
Notes on enlightenment
All things into all things
The gymnosophist and the lonely ape
Spiritual life is an uphill battle
What is a Chakra?
Most feelings are projected
21st Century Healing Ceremony
Three pillars ancient and modern
Psychedelic Confrontations
Hippocampal neurogenesis and the art of spiritual barter
Monologic emotion within the music of dialogue
Inexhaustible wells of sadness
Narrative Consciousness
To think is to talk to someone who isn't there
This Brilliant Quaking Body
The Flashing Tapestry of Neural Topologies
The Undulating Surface of Perception
Surjection and Overdetermination
Neuroscience and the Big Why
The Power of Ambivalence
Neuroplastic Apperceptive Consciousness
The Rube Goldberg Machine of Meditation
Intelligence Sleeps in Your Fingertips
Multivariate Causal Reasoning and the Whole
Meditation as Emergent Coherence at Criticality
The grand cumulative trance of being alive
Why Do We Meditate?
The Tensegrity of Discipline
The Hostage Rescue of Meditation
Walking and the Art of Emotional Maturation
Becoming Your Own Friend